Construire la paix dans l’esprit des hommes et des femmes

Ressources sur l’éducation et l’égalité des genres

Resources on education and gender equality

Pour favoriser l'instauration d'une culture de l'égalité entre les filles et les garçons, les femmes et les hommes, le ministère met à disposition de la communauté éducative un ensemble de ressources (des sites spécifiques et leurs outils informatifs et pédagogiques, des statistiques sexuées relatives aux parcours scolaires des élèves, un guide sur les comportements sexistes), complétées par celles de la Communauté européenne.


Abaad Centre for Gender Equality (Abaad MENA) was established in 2011 with an aim to promote sustainable social and economic development in the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region, through equality, protection and empowerment of women. It envisions the world in which men and women are equal and working as partners to secure better future for their lives, and, in which, women are empowered to participate in the democratic processes and have fair access to economic resources, without facing discrimination.

Abaad MENA is composed of human rights activists, lawyers, social workers, and researchers, who are dedicated to achieving women’s empowerment and gender equality. The organization promotes active participation through legal reform, gender mainstreaming, eliminating discrimination and policy development. It also supports the advancement of women and empowers them to effectively participate in their communities.


Amnesty International is a non-governmental organization with its headquarters in the United Kingdom focused on human rights. It has more than eight million members and supporters around the world.The stated mission of the organization is to campaign for “a world in which every person enjoys all of the human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights instruments.”

Amnesty International was founded in London in 1961 by the lawyers Peter Benenson and Philip James. Amnesty draws attention to human rights abuses and campaigns for compliance with international laws and standards, it works to mobilize public opinion to generate pressure on governments where abuse takes place. The organization was awarded the 1977 Nobel Peace Prize.


The Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID) is an international organization working to achieve gender equality and women’s human rights across the word. The vision of AWID is “a world where feminist realities flourish, where resources and power are shared in ways that enable everyone, and future generations, to thrive and realize their full potential with dignity, love and respect, and where Earth nurtures life in all its diversity”. The organization supports the gender justice movements to become driving forces in oppression.

The AWID closely works with activists and policy makers worldwide to influence gender policies and practice. It facilitates dialogue and strategies on key issues by connecting actors to share their knowledge, experiences and ideas on relevant issues and mobilizes gender equality movements to support collective actions with feminist causes.

It works with activists to build support networks of solidarity on protection and wellbeing and works with historically oppressed communities. Last, but not the least, the AWID advocates for corporate accountability and tax justice to achieve equitable distribution of wealth.


EIGE is a regulatory agency of the European Union (EU) entrusted with specific objectives envisaged to contribute to, and strengthen the promotion of gender equality.

The Institute collects and analyses comparable and reliable information at EU level and develops appropriate methodological tools for the integration of gender equality into all EU policies. It fosters the exchange of good practices and dialogue between stakeholders and raises awareness on gender equality. It also provides technical assistance to EU institutions, in particular the European Commission and the authorities of the Member States.

In the course of its work to promote and strengthen gender equality, EIGE supports policy makers with high quality data relevant to their work. To support better-informed policy-making EIGE contributes to the promotion of gender equality in Europe through delivering high-level expertise to the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Member States and Enlargement countries.


Equality Now is an international organization founded with the mission of using legal advocacy to protect and promote the human rights of women and girls. It uses law to create equal and just world for women and girls. It attracts global attention to media on individual cases of abuse and uses international human rights law to advocate with policymakers and puts pressure on national governments to adopt and enforce good laws. Equality now partners up with other organizations to ensure that individual cases are visible on the global agenda.

Equality Now is dedicated to achieving gender equality and, thus, it cooperates with individuals, institutions, and coalitions encompassing grassroots activists, survivors, legal reformers, lawyers, service providers, corporations and national and regional women’s organizations and uses their knowledge and connections to local communities to achieve change. It puts pressure on countries to adopt gender equality laws and holds governments accountable for abuses of such laws.


Gender at Work is an international feminist knowledge network working to build inclusive cultures and end discrimination against women. It partners up with researchers and activists across the world to produce new knowledge on inequality structures and embedded societal discriminatory norms and to produce innovative approaches and tools to transform them in organizations and communities.

The organization believes that the world is facing the crisis of democratic institutions, in which the actors who fight to achieve social justice have been undercut and where spaces for advocacy and action of civil society groups has been restricted. Therefore, the Gender at Work offers a wide range of consulting services to organizations to strengthen their contributions to gender equality and advance feminist leadership. It also helps activists to tell their stories and share their insights on gender inequalities with a broader public.


Plan International is a global development human rights and humanitarian organization working to advance rights of children and equality for girls. It closely works with young people, children and communities to tackle the root causes of discrimination against girls, vulnerability and exclusion and enables them to respond and prepare for adversity and practice. Plan International influence policies and practices at local, national and global levels by using knowledge, experience and reach.

Some of the core objectives of Plan International is achieving gender equality, promoting gender justice and fostering an inclusive society. The organization confronts, and challenges human rights violations and discrimination based on gender, as well as stereotyping and unequal power relations between women, men, boys and girls to promote rights and gender equality. Plan International fosters culture that encompasses its commitment to gender equality and adoption of good practices, positive attitudes and inclusion.


Promundo is an international organization that promotes gender justice and prevents violence by engaging men and boys in partnership with women, girls, and individuals of all gender identities. It was established in 1997 in Brazil with a belief that working with men and boys will contribute in eliminating harmful gender norms and provide solutions related to issues related to achieving gender equality. So far, Promundo has worked in over 40 countries to prevent violence and advocate for gender equality.

In addition to working with individuals, Promundo conducts campaigns and engages in local activism to build community support and advocate for governments to adopts policies that would reinforce social change. It also creates safe spaces for women and men in post-conflict settings to heal from trauma, for young people to question gender norms, and for men around the world to discuss violence, exploitation and benefits of shared decision-making. Through its programs, Promundo has reached nearly 10 million individuals, including over 4,500 health professionals, over 22,000 education professionals, over 1,400 members of the police and military, and nearly 300 government officials.


For 70 years, UNICEF has worked to improve the lives of children and their families. Despite remarkable challenges around the world, UNICEF staffers fight for the rights of every child seeking safe shelter, nutrition, protection from disaster and conflicts, and equality.

As this organisation is very active in all fields that aim to abolish injustice from an early age, it also plays a crucial role with regard to gender differences and the inequalities that arise from them. The importance of UNICEF lies in the fact that it cooperates with the United Nations and its agencies to make sure that children are on the global agenda, always and regarding every possible inequality that may arise.


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